Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Actually, you won't discover anything useful about me in this blog.

Here are the following details I refuse to enclose in this public journal:

1. Happy thoughts.
2. My vital statistics.
3. The things that I do everyday. I mean, what's the use of blogging it for public consumption if I do find them fun but VAGUELY interesting.
4. What I really really feel.


Anonymous said...

hmmm, since you're cfad and all --- maybe you can post a picture a day or an illustration to give your reading public a hint of what happened on a certain day ^^

haha --- okay that was a weird comment XD

macci said...

LOL. hahaha. actually i tried doing that with photos. but the dslr's too heavy to lug around. so, fail.

i read your poetry blog! it rocked. workshop tara!

Anonymous said...

wahhh ty! >>
but..but...workshop = wasak O;