Monday, October 26, 2009

Growing up

Currently: Eating Snack Pack Pudding while tinkering with the omigod brand new lappy and Vuze.

My room smells like the states. Or well, it smells like stuff from the states that people bring back home. Smells like duty free and foreign airport disinfectant. I finally have Bobbi Brown long wearing black gel eyeliner, a perfect loreal golden beige shade of liquid foundation and bunch of new jackets, which is timely because I've been short on jackets for a while.

We also have loads of chocolates in the house and just looking at them makes me want to avoid chocolates for the rest of my life.

We are all sooo growing up.

1. We went to Duty Free yesterday, and the irrational excitement was gone. Browsing through aisles of sweets and imported footwear isnt what what it seem to be anymore.
2. I was eyeing a $37 bargain of Smashbox's Photo Primer. THIS STUFF IS SUPPOSED TO BE AMAZING, but even if it was on sale, I still can't afford it. But still, wanting something past five hundred pesos was so out of my league back in highschool.
3. Speaking of highschool, hs friends and yours truly have graduated from houseparties. We actually go out and pay now.
4. People start learning to drive.
5. We can feel the hierarchy of highschool royalty snobbed. Everyone can talk to everyone now.

But we're still not quite grown up yet
1. Allowance. Hello.
2. I bet everyone's room is filth too.
3. We're all still irresponsible sloths who wouldnt survive if our mommies leave us. Or maybe, we will survive, but we have to scratch and scrawn our way to living.
4. I don't know if this applies to a lot of other people, but fairy tales do exist. Acqckk. Ugh. Cheesy. I take it back.
5. I'd still stutter like a brain damaged toddler if the crush of the moment starts talking to me. Therefore, I will just not talk to him ever ever forever again.

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